Instron Calibration Laboratory Goes Global

As of September 2018, Instron’s Calibration Laboratory in Norwood, MA USA expanded its global reach to include Europe into its existing operations.

Calibration Lab

This addition enables Instron to provide accredited calibration services to its customers in North America, Europe and Asia under a single National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) accreditation. Instron’s Calibration laboratory is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 for the calibration of Force, Angularity, Length, Electromagnetics, Time & Frequency, Hardness, Temperature, and Pressure by NVLAP, a program administered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

“One of the main advantages is that the calibration services for our multi-national customers will all fall under the same accreditation, simplifying internal processes associated with the validation of quality systems and much more.”– Jim Ritchey of Instron Service

The NVLAP coverage includes both Instron’s in-house calibration services and field calibration services. The biggest change to Instron’s coverage is that the company’s Limited Calibration Laboratory in the UK – previously accredited to ISO 17025 for Force, Extension and Hardness by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), Laboratory Number 0019 – is now part of the Instron Calibration Laboratory in Norwood covered under the NVLAP certificate.

NIST maintains an online register of certificates that can be found here.