Greiner Bio-One looks back on a solid financial year 2018

Rainer Perneker, CEO Greiner Bio-One International GmbH, Credit Greiner AG

In addition, the storage space available in Frickenhausen (Germany) was more than doubled. After a construction period of only a year, a new, fully automated high-bay warehouse fitted with the latest storage technology was put into operation thereby replacing the facility used to date. The warehouse is part of an extensive infrastructure project that forms the basis for greater efficiency in the material supply and logistics areas, and will be concluded in 2019 with an increase in production capacity.

Focus on further growth

In spite of diffcult market circumstances, currency effects and stagnation with regard to individual key accounts and major orders, business volume achieved the level of the preceding year and profitability maintained at an excellent level – the turnover amounted to 473 million euros In particular, solid growth was achieved in the safety products area and the company gained ground in the regional markets in Southern and Eastern Europe, and South America. However, rising material and raw material prices as well as higher freight costs all served to hinder an even better business development.

“We are preparing for further growth through a significant increase in our production capacities”, Rainer Perneker, CEO Greiner Bio-One International GmbH.

The Asian region is one of Greiner Bio-One’s most important growth markets and for example, in China the company has been able to establish a solid position in the preanalytics field within the Beijing area. In October, a second major step followed with the foundation of an additional branch in Shanghai staffed by a focused and specialized team. The joint aim is to step up efforts in the biosciences market and move closer to the customers in this business segment.

The complete annual report can be found here…